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Welcome to Lewes YogaIyengar Yoga information for practitioners and those new to yoga in East and West Sussex

This site will help you to find a yoga class that is right for you. It will provide you with information about yoga classes and a timetable for classes in Lewes.

You can also learn more about Iyengar Yoga, read articles by Lewes Yoga’s Sallie Sullivan, and contact us.

FREE introduction to Iyengar Yoga

Saturday January 18th 2 - 4pm
Malling Community Centre, Spences Lane, Lewes, BN7 2HQ


There is a car park at the venue and free on-street parking locally. Tesco (3 hours' free parking) is close by.

There is a cafe inside the Centre and a playground opposite.

The benefits of Yoga

Yoga can help to:

If you live in or near the Lewes area, find out more about classes and discover what a difference yoga can make to your life and feeling of wellbeing.

BKS Iyenga

I always tell people, live happily and die majestically, B.K.S. Iyengar
14 Dec 1918 - 20 Aug 2014