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Yoga Classes with Sallie

The class timetable is now online with information about levels and specialist classes and getting to the venues for classes.

COVID update

What you can expect from an Iyengar Yoga class

Iyengar Yoga is progressive – you learn to stretch and to increase your stamina in basic postures before you progress to the complicated poses.

It is precise, with an emphasis on correct, safe practice; you gain mental discipline through increased physical understanding and control. As you become familiar with the basic poses, you can expect individual correction. If you permit it, the teacher may make hands-on adjustment where needed.

You will only try difficult poses when you are ready, but you will be encouraged to extend your own capacity. Yoga helps you to feel better in your present state, but is also a process of development and transformation. Be ready for change.

As your practice develops, you can work in the basic poses in more detail, as well as learning more complicated poses. You will start with standing poses to develop better posture and to gain freedom of movement and stamina. Seated poses, forward bends and twists are introduced gradually, as is shoulder stand. Backbends and head stand come later. Classes end with guided relaxation to calm and clear the mind and spirit.

Is Iyengar Yoga for me?

If you are stiff, unfit, heavy or elderly, you may be taught to use supports or ‘props’. This allows you to progress in the postures safely at your own pace, to suit your body. Yoga is for everyone, including those in poor health. However general level public classes are not suitable for those with some health conditions. Ask in advance if you are in doubt, rather than be turned away on the day. If you are pregnant, read our article about Yoga in pregnancy.

What do I need to know before coming to a class?